Sunday, February 28, 2010

Resolutions Check

Well, we're now 2 months in for 2010, so it seems like a good idea to check in on my status with my resolutions.  As a recap, and really for my reference while I'm writing about them, they are:
- journal my eating
- exercise regularly
- keep up my blogs and work on my writing skills
- find a volunteer project
- find a community theater group to participate with
- clean the house and keep it clean
- maintain the yard
- recycling more
- going for more local produce
- eating more sustainably / ethically produced mea

I am ecstatic to report that I am doing spectacularly with tracking my food and exercising.  I've been hitting the gym 3-4 times a week and am feeling great!  I can feel muscles under my protective layer of fat, and everything is feeling firmer.  I'm just trying to gradually work off that protective layer so everyone can see my new muscles :)

Keeping up the blogs...well, as you can see that one gets a C at best so far.

Volunteer project - I'm on a Relay for Life team in my town.  Our relay day is May 22nd, so we're gearing up with fund raisers for the spring.  I'm going to need another project once this one wraps up, though.

Community theater - yeah, I forgot I'd even written that one down.  We'll see.

Clean the house - my in-laws are scheduled to arrive on March 31st.  So there's a big ol' heap of motivation and a hard deadline to get it done :)

Yard maintenance - it's just barely getting to the time to start doing stuff with the yard, so I'm not behind on that one...yet.

Recycling - fail.

Local produce - fail.

Meat - we've been trying to work through all of the meat that's currently stocked up in the freezer.  There's a lot.  Once there's some space in the freezer then I can see about getting more meat from my friends at JuHa Ranch.

All in all, a decent start to the year.  In years past I wouldn't have positive progress to report on *any* of my resolutions, and would've forgotten all of them by now.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Musings on a Wintry Night

The record snowfall here yesterday led to a work from home day for me today.  The driveway and streets in the neighborhood looked treacherous, and since I could, I did :)  It's nice to be able to work from your recliner in your pjs all day.

We saw a dad slowly driving a 4-wheeler pulling his kid on a sled down the street, and the neighbor kids scooped up all the snow off their driveway and yard and built a snow fort.  I think they were out there all. day. long.  I'm too old for such frivolity, but I'm glad they had a good time with their snow day.

We got enough snow after 9pm that Patrick had to go outside with the broom this morning and sweep the snow off the satellite dish again so we could watch tv.

This snowstorm was the most snow in a winter we've had since before I was born.  It's a *lot* of snow for Dallas.

The good news about being housebound is that I'm having a massive craving for chocolatey things coated in frosting and I don't have all the necessary ingredients on hand.  Still, I think that these babies will be in my near future nonetheless (thanks for telling me about them, Heather!). 

Car bombs are the best drink ever and combine all of my favorite things into one.  It's one of the few things I've introduced my husband to rather than the other way around.  SK's statement about being either greeted with a drink and a smile or a black eye is true...sure, we know we're safe ordering one in Dallas, but we tread carefully when venturing to new pubs in Boston or New York or anywhere where we are greeted with Irish accents.  Basically I whip out my Texan drawl and describe the drink and they either say oh, yes, a car bomb and appreciate the circumspection or they say oh, yes, a peacemaker or something like that.  Either way, I get the drink I want and no black eyes or hard feelings are handed out with it :)

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Shear Genius

So the new season of Shear Genius has started on Bravo.  I love. this. show.  It is my absolute favorite and it always makes me want to do crazy stuff to my hair.  It killed me the first season because I was growing my hair out for the wedding and I couldn't do anything.  But not this year. 

My message board peeps gave me some ideas for what to do with my fine, thin, currently blonde but naturally light light brown hair.  If the salon has any cancellations on Saturday that's when I'm pulling the trigger, if not, then I have a solid appointment for next Saturday.  Of course who knows with the weather.

I'm watching the last episode off the DVR right now, and the Short Cut challenge was taking overprocessed blondes and doing something with them.  One guy took the waaaaaaay overbleached model and turned her into Jessica Rabbit and it was hawt.

I have to say I do miss Jaclyn Smith as the host...I don't know who this girl is but she's not very good.


Went to bed last night with the weather people saying we'd maybe get some flurries but it was going to mostly rain today.  Woke up to this:

Fortunately it's all snow so the drive to work was ok.  Pretty, even.  It's still coming down.

So the gym foiled my lunchtime workout plans by closing at noon today.  But hey, the office is closing at 3 so I'm going to go home and make gumbo.  And I'm going to attempt Alton Brown's method for making the dark roux in the oven since I'm not feeling the patience to stand there and stir a roux long enough to get it dark.

FX for a late start tomorrow!!