Wednesday, February 23, 2011


So in my cleaning frenzy this weekend, I also managed to irritate the bulging disc in my back.  Went to the doctor, got a shot of Toradol (that's some good stuff right there) and was told not to do anything for the rest of the week.  Whoo-hoo!! er, I mean, darnitall! I can't keep cleaning!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Weekend Results

I did laundry, got most of the dishes washed, and the big shining achievement of the weekend was getting the old entertainment center cleaned off and moved out of the living room and getting the new TV stand and TV put in.  Whoo!  It's so pretty seeing everything in GLORIOUS HD.  And what did we watch for the inaugural run of the new HDTV?  Why, RuPaul's Drag Race, of course!

The other items on the list, well...not done yet.  But hey, it was good progress for me.

Friday, February 18, 2011

It was a good idea…

I had every intention of washing the dishes when I left work, really, I did.  But by the time I got home, it was gone.  So the dishes are still not washed.  I plan on staying home tomorrow and going crazy on the kitchen and living room.  Since I’ve put together my MS Project project plan, I’ve got a list of the different things I’m going to do and have them prioritized:
1.       Wash the dishes.
2.       Put away the dishes.
3.       Clean the counters and the stovetop.
4.       Clean off the couch.
5.       Clean off the living room bookshelf.
6.       Clean off the coffee table.
7.       Sweep the kitchen floor.
8.       Sweep the living room and hallway.
9.       Mop the kitchen floor.
10.   Swiffer wet the living room and hallway.
And concurrently with this stuff I need to be running loads of laundry.  2 for my clothes, 1 for towels, 1 for sheets.

I have other items on my list for the kitchen and living room, but I think the current list is ambitious enough for a single Saturday.

In other news, I am starting my 6th day without Diet Coke.  I’d be lying if I said I haven’t missed it.  It’s the burn of the carbonation that I miss the most, and sparkling water just isn’t quite the same.  I’m also starting now to taper down the volume of my morning coffee.  I don’t know if I’ll give up caffeine completely, but a reduction is definitely long overdue.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Organization Project - Day 1

I have no idea how I'm going to organize my Organization Project, but I think maybe it'll involve Microsoft Project.  Yes, I'm a computer nerd.

Tonight's task: wash the dishes.

My husband's task will be to put them away.

I will not be taking a before picture because I am quite frankly ashamed of how many dishes are stacked up.

Did I mention I quit drinking Diet Coke?  Cause I did.  I'm in my 4th day.  And nobody has died yet, not even me.  I am shocked.

Monday, February 14, 2011


I am a terrible blogger.  There, I said it!

So what's been happening the last, oh, 7 1/2 months?

So much and yet so little, it turns out.  I got to go to Europe for work, then I had to pay for it with working 60+ hours a week for the next few months and a few crying jags in the office bathroom.  But hey, it was a week in Europe not on my dime, so fair trade, right?

Things have been made slightly better by our Christmas trip out West to visit the in-laws, complete with a Christmas Eve visit to the happiest place on Earth!!

No, not Tijuana.


We also spent a lot of time driving up and down PCH between Long Beach and Laguna Beach in our rented Mustang convertible.  We'd originally rented a mid-sized Kia, but at the counter they offered to upgrade us to the Mustang for an extra $5 per day, total.  Yes, please!

And then, thanks to Virgin America starting flights between DFW and LAX or SFO, airfares came down and AA was offering double miles so we took a trip last week to the Napa and Sonoma Valleys and San Francisco.  It was a wonderful trip filled with far too much wine (both drank and purchased) and far too much excellent food.  It was heaven.

So that's about all the news that's fit to print at the moment.  I hope to start a major cleaning / organizing project soon, before and after pictures to come.