Wednesday, March 30, 2011


I can't stand hipsters.  They're annoyingly pretentious.  They spend far too much time and money trying to look carelessly fashionable.  They drink Pabst and say it's great.  In large groups (and they're always in large groups) they suck all of the life force out of a room.  They get in the way and glare at you as you try to excuse yourself past.

But it seems that I share a lot of common interests with hipsters, cause I keep running into them.  Austin is chock full of them on a normal weekend, but go there during SXSW and they're covering every available surface.  But I love SXSW.  Music everywhere, free beer if you're lucky, all the great restaurants and trailers to eat's one of my favorite trips we take.

Which begs the I, in fact, a hipster?  Have I become the thing I hate?

I'm still holding on to the "no" category for that.  I don't think I'm tattooed enough.  Or pierced enough.  I don't have dreads, and my hair's all one natural color (not *my* natural color, but still, one that occurs in nature).  I'm sure everyone would agree that my usual style definitely looks careless...but not fashionable.

Ah well, the paradoxes of life.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Probably way more than necessary or is even normal, I plan out conversations or rants or hypothetical situations in my head.  Generally I work myself up to a fever pitch and then I get distracted by something else.  It's good for my husband, cause I'll generally work out whatever argument I was preparing to have with him without him needing to be a part of it.  Of course, I've also had days where I forget that the argument was in my head and I'm irritated with him for the imaginary him said...

This also goes for blog posts.  I'll spend awhile mulling over a topic, deciding what I would say and how I would phrase it for the blog and then...nothing.  I won't have time to type it up while I'm thinking about it and then when I do have time it's just...gone.

I have an amazing capacity for avoiding housework.  The organization project is stalled out because of this, which I knew would happen, cause that's how I roll.  So rather than allowing this blog to become all "here's what I'm going to do today!" and then "well, no, I didn't get to that, instead I played games on the computer and watched TV, but watch out tomorrow!", I'm just going to report on things that have been accomplished.

Last night's accomplishment was cleaning out the freezer.  There was far too much in there that was freezer burned beyond recognition.  But now I have a good idea of what we have so I'm going to be working up a menu plan to use what's left.