Saturday, January 2, 2010

New Year's Goals

It's that time of year, and not to be left out I've compiled a list of things I want to try to do better. I'm aiming for doing better than not at first, and we'll advance as the year progresses.

- journal my eating
- exercise regularly
- keep up my blogs and work on my writing skills
- find a volunteer project
- find a community theater group to participate with
- clean the house and keep it clean
- maintain the yard
- recycling more
- going for more local produce
- eating more sustainably / ethically produced meat

I went out and got a new washer & dryer today. They get delivered on Tuesday. That means that the garage has to get cleaned out so the delivery people can get the old ones out and the new ones in. I'm horrible at procrastination, particularly with cleaning tasks, so I really need a hard deadline to get it done. I put a good dent in it this afternoon. Fortunately the weather is nice...50s and sunny. Broke down a lot of boxes to take to the recycling center.

So there, in one fell swoop, taking care of lots of goals! Reduced water and energy usage from the new washer. Starting to clean the house. Recycling the boxes. Exercise. Whoo!


  1. Good for you for pushing forward with the goal to clean out. I need to do the same with my clothes drawers before buying more in the correct size.

  2. Frozen pierogies is one of our go to weeknight meals. Yum!
